Protect Our Civil Liberties

Why it Matters:

Preserving our natural rights are foundational for the preservation of America and American values. The Founding Fathers were clear that the role of the Federal Government was to protect the rights of its citizens and to preserve the power of the States. The Second Amendment guarantees Americans the fundamental right to “keep and bear arms.” We have seen an increase in violence across America and it’s an essential right for Michiganders to be able to protect themselves, their families, and their communities.

Where I Stand:


  • Reverse the bureaucratic usurpation of Michiganders’ constitutional freedoms.
  • Protect our 1st Amendment right to the free practice of religion, association, and rights of conscience.
  • Introduce legislation to protect free speech and free association online, preventing Big Tech from blocking, suspending, and shadow banning perspectives they disagree with.
  • Uphold the right of Michiganders to protect and defend ourselves and preserve their 2nd Amendment rights to the fullest extent.